Monday, February 21, 2011

More Fashion!

Over Rag week I began creating my contextual notebook. Alexander mcQueen was the first designer i chose to put in as I really love his designs. His work inspires me greatly.
I love these designs by McQueen especially the one on the left :) The detail and effort in which it must have taken this floral like creation is mind blowing to think about. The colours seem to suit it perfectly and I love th unique shape.

I am really loving fashion so far. Every aspect of it is so exciting espcially when you see a shape just completly transform into a garment.. The stand work is great too. I purchased my materials for it today and began working with them. We needed a heavy weight, light weight and medium weight version of a fabric.

Before I began to work with them I did some sketchbook work. I had photocopied my standwork images from before rag week, and decided I would see how they could work on the chrocis as garments. I flipped them around, made them bigger, combined them together and basicly experimented as much as I could with these new shapes and I was happy with the end result of many pages of designs :) I took three in which I was really interested in and began to further them into garments. This was the start of an interesting process.

Working with the Mannequin
 I cut out my first shape and began working on the heavyweight material first this morning. It was interesting to work with and made similar shapes to the ones in which I had created with paper in the previous week. After this, I cut out my other shape and began to use the medium weight. Because the fabric wasn't as stiff, It had a tendency to give alot of folds and creases, completely different to when I was on the stand with paper. This gave me alot of new shapes to work with in my sketch book. Working with the manequin was an enjoyable exercise for me and I am looking forward to working with my lightweight material tomorrow!

Here are some images from my work with heavyweight and medium weight materials :)

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