Sunday, February 27, 2011

My final collection

I am really happy with how my final collection has turned out! After an all nighter on thursday, and lots of sugar, I was adiment to make sure the pieces in which I pulled out of my sketchbook were the right ones. I chose a colour story with oranges, purples and yellows in it to ensure that my final line up was eye catching and worked well with the designs. I spent all day thursday finishing off collages and drawing many more croquis. Despite the amount of work I had, I really enjoyed it and I am definately considering doing it for ranking. :)

this is the colour story i chose to use!

Here is my final line up with purple as the dominant colour in one, and orange as the dominant colour in the other :)


Giles Spring is a designer in which I stumbled upon when researching London Fashon Week. I really love his work.. I found it difficult to get some background info on him but I printed off some of the garments that really interested me. Here they are:)

This is my favourite of the garments in which Spring created. I love the folds and creases in the dress and the colour is beautiful also :) I couldn't fault any of these designs if I tried!

Another designer who's designs I abolutely LOVE is Jeremy Scott.
I had no problem finding information about him as he is quite the popular designer:)
He is an American Designer born in Kansas. He attened the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York before becoming a famous designer. Scott is known for his high octane and outrageous designs favoured by celebrities who's style i have really taken a shine to over the years including Madonna, Rihanna, Kanye West, Beyonce and Katy Perry.
Here are some of his fabulous designs!!

I love everything about these pieces. They are so quirky and exciting, no wonder celebs around the globe love his work.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


After doing pages upon pages of chrocis in my sketchbook, I began my usage of the lightweight material. This was exciting as I was entrigued with the new shapes I had gotten from the other materials. Despite this, I found the other materials easier to work with simply because I felt I needed to cut my shapes out a lot larger to achieve an interesting shape. I felt as though It almost shrunk when i was putting the pins into it as it was so light!
After all this, I began to work more on my sketchbook, exhausting all my shapes to the max :)

Some work with my lightweight materials on stand:)

Monday, February 21, 2011

More Fashion!

Over Rag week I began creating my contextual notebook. Alexander mcQueen was the first designer i chose to put in as I really love his designs. His work inspires me greatly.
I love these designs by McQueen especially the one on the left :) The detail and effort in which it must have taken this floral like creation is mind blowing to think about. The colours seem to suit it perfectly and I love th unique shape.

I am really loving fashion so far. Every aspect of it is so exciting espcially when you see a shape just completly transform into a garment.. The stand work is great too. I purchased my materials for it today and began working with them. We needed a heavy weight, light weight and medium weight version of a fabric.

Before I began to work with them I did some sketchbook work. I had photocopied my standwork images from before rag week, and decided I would see how they could work on the chrocis as garments. I flipped them around, made them bigger, combined them together and basicly experimented as much as I could with these new shapes and I was happy with the end result of many pages of designs :) I took three in which I was really interested in and began to further them into garments. This was the start of an interesting process.

Working with the Mannequin
 I cut out my first shape and began working on the heavyweight material first this morning. It was interesting to work with and made similar shapes to the ones in which I had created with paper in the previous week. After this, I cut out my other shape and began to use the medium weight. Because the fabric wasn't as stiff, It had a tendency to give alot of folds and creases, completely different to when I was on the stand with paper. This gave me alot of new shapes to work with in my sketch book. Working with the manequin was an enjoyable exercise for me and I am looking forward to working with my lightweight material tomorrow!

Here are some images from my work with heavyweight and medium weight materials :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fashion Day 2

This morning when we came in, we chose two shapes from our drawings which would work the best. We were then shown how to enlarge these shapes using paper and place them on the manaquin. This was exciting as I could really see my my shapes transform into new ones. This made them look very appealing and eye catching. Here are some pictures of my shapes on the mannequin :)

Monday, February 7, 2011


Today I started my two weeks of fashion. After reading through the brief (which consisted of 2 categories - organic and non-organic) I came to the conclusion that I wanted to base my project on bacteria and fungi. I found that it was quite broad as looking at various images, there were so many different shapes and formations. I knew it would be ideal for me to work on. I began my project by doing two hours of research in the library and ended up working on images which really interested me for this project.

When I began some drawings in my sketch book, I realised I wanted to focus more on the actual fungal growths, rather than the diagrams.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Frances Lambe

I've been looking up work from Frances Lambe in relation to my ceramics work.. I find hers very interesting as it is similar to what I am doing at present.. Here are some pictures of her work..

this image is especially similar to my vessel which I have started on. Tonight I made a wire structure with three balls connecting together similar to this!


Yesterday I began my 2 weeks of Ceramics. We started off the day by recieving our brief in which we all recieved different images to base our work on. When we had studied it, using ink and bamboo, we drew out designs - some of them based on our work. I enjoyed working with the bamboo as I had never used it before. Using the ink, I planned out the design in which I wanted my clay vessel to take.

 Today we went to the Ceramics room and began actually working with the clay. Using 5 similar shaped balls of clay we began creating the stages of our vessel development before actually creating the real piece. This was interesting as I found you could really see a transformation in all the stages. Here are some images of my work :)